Improvements in the checkbox

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    Posted in: Feature request  
  • axopayo

    1. Feature Request: Free elements limit in checkbox

    To have a quantity of free ingredients in the checkbox.
    For example, I want 2 ingredients are free and that from the 3rd it starts to charge.

    2. Feature Request: Quantity increment buttons style

    The default style in mobile and Firefox is awkward and difficult. In mobile view, no arrows appear directly and you have to enter the number manually (and once you want to enter the quantity, the number is not automatically deleted, so, delete and enter the number, one more step ...) . Simply by having the possibility to style these buttons, the plugin would gain a lot. In this post I talk about the topic and refer to another post where it would be possible to get the code for this.

    3. Feature Request: Improve conditional logic

    It would be nice to improve conditional logic, with a parameter like this: "Checkbox (X)" have Exact selection.

    This comes in handy when you make a package and if they check a specific number you give something away. Example: 1st You select 2 items in checkbox among several, and only another section with Radio buttons (the gift) is shown if you have selected 2 items.
    Until now the gift conditional section is shown by just selecting 1 item.

    Congratulations on the plugin.

    • This topic was modified 4 years by axopayo.
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